Tuesday 10 February 2015

Chakra Healing in Melbourne: Signs And Symptoms That Scream You Need To Heal Your Chakras!

The seven chakras in our body are the main energy centres from where we receive or release energy. Through reiki (Melbourne), masters help guide this energy to the right path and improve our lives for the better. It creates a self healing mechanism in our bodies. What are the signs that indicate your chakras are blocked and you immediately need to start healing?

•  Constant anxiety and emotional imbalance indicates your chakras are not aligned. It may lead to lowered self esteem and low achievement drive.

•  You may physically suffer from constant knee pains, arthritis, etc. Sometimes you may suffer from constant recurring cold.

•  Reduced desires, aims, sexual desires are all an indication of misled energy. Reproductive issues, urinary problems, lower body pain, etc are all common signals.

Basically you may suffer from lung or heat disease to asthma, you may have trouble in communication or face constant confusion and indecisiveness; all this must be addressed through chakra healing in Melbourne.

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