Monday 23 February 2015

Chakra Healing In Melbourne: The Seven Chakras And Their Significance

We have seven basic chakras which absorb and direct energy thus balancing different functions in our lives. Reiki (Melbourne) strives to establish a self healing mechanism within a person by directly misled energy and bringing about balance and peace. So what are the seven chakras?

•  Our root chakra deals with our financial independence and survival elements such as food.

•  Sakral chakra deals with the feeling of abundance, accepting new adventures in life and sexual well being.

•  If you are facing the inability to control your life due to lack of decisiveness of confidence, your Solar Plexus Chakra needs chakra healing (Melbourne)..

•  Our ability to love and trust has everything to do with our heart chakra.

•  The throat chakra determines our ability to communicate. • Our insight of the future or the bigger picture at situations is led by our third eye chakra.

•  And at last, our crown chakra helps us connect to the holy energy and see our inner beauty.

To learn more about charka healing, visit

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