Friday 28 November 2014

The Power Of Reiki

Reiki healing is a healing technique where a therapist helps balance the physical and emotional aspects of a person by channelling on energy through touch. Reiki is known to have many healing benefits. Reiki healing is a non evasive healing technique that helps restore the physical and emotional balance of a person.

Reiki healing (Melbourne) enables deep relaxation from within and helps relives stress and tension. It slowly channels one’s body towards activating the self healing system. It builds the immune system and helps relieve pain.

It opens up blocked energies and restores the balance in our chakras through chakra healing (Melbourne). Chakra healing increases one’s awareness with their bodies and opens one up to spiritual healing. It is known to improve personal relationships and increase self esteem. It eventually helps one to make clearer life choices based on clarity of thoughts. For more information and insights of reiki and chakra healing, visit

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