Thursday 18 December 2014

Reiki (Melbourne): How To Inculcate And Improve Daily Lives?

Reiki is the art and science of healing through energy. The therapist guides the misled energy within individuals and strives to slowly develop a self healing mechanism within them. One might think how to inculcate Reiki (Melbourne) in our daily lives?

Once you start attending such sessions, you automatically start inculcating the affirmations on a daily basis. Reiki healing gets as common as popping an aspirin for people who truly follow its teachings. You can practice it in bed daily before falling asleep. It will help you sleep better, make you less anxious, might even help you quit smoking or lose weight! Sounds like magic to you? Well our chakras get blocked as we allow wrong energy to go through us. Through chakra healing (Melbourne), our bodies open up these chakras and learn to absorb positive energy.

Even if you don’t understand the art, don’t you feel you must give it a chance? Live without lesser stress, hypertension and anxiety? Visit and take a step towards improving your life.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Experience The Bliss Of Reiki

A life force or energy flows through each one of us that sometimes get misguided and misled. A reiki healer guides, strengthens and redirects this energy into the path of physical and spiritual healing. Reiki aims to develop a self healing mechanism within our bodies though opening up our chakras and healing our auras.

A reiki healer/massager heals a person’s aura and maintains equilibrium though rubbing, kneading, touching or laying hands on the person. These massages are extremely beneficial in many ways. It reduces stress and anxiety and as a result regulates blood pressure. It also helps with acute pain management. It helps detoxify the body and improves sleep. It reduces one’s dependency on drugs and helps overcome its side effects. It strengthens the overall immune system of the body by accentuating its healing properties.

Reiki massage (Melbourne) has infinite physical and spiritual healing properties. To read more or experience such healing, visit

Wednesday 3 December 2014

The Divine Powers Of Reiki

A Japanese art, Reiki, is used for stress relieving and healing where the therapist passes on positive healing energy to the student. It is a spiritual form of healing and is known to reduce stress and tension alongside other health benefits.

We have seven chakras that are receivers of energy. Due to many factors such as stress, improper lifestyle, etc our chakras may get blocked due to which a person starts suffering from adverse effects. Through chakra healing (Melbourne) these blocks can be slowly opened up that will help the person receive positive energy and will eventually lead to peace and serenity in the person’s life. Such is the power of reiki.

Reiki healing helps to maintain a balanced physical and emotional life and improves inter personal relationships among people. It relieves pain and in the long run prevents cardiovascular diseases caused due to stress. It improves immunity of a person by activating a self healing system in his/her body.

To know more and reap the benefits of Reiki, visit